Senior Leadership Team at Armley Grange School
James Shutt – Headteacher
As Headteacher at Armley Grange School, my aim is to provide all students with the best education possible, in a school where they feel safe and cared for.
As a teacher with over 25 years’ experience and 10 years leadership including 5 years’ experience in a setting for students with Autism & Complex Needs, I bring a wealth of leadership experience to the school.
I am privileged to be leading a group of caring, committed staff that have the very best interests of each student at the heart of the work they do. Their knowledge, experience, compassion, and hard work will ensure that your child is successful whilst at school, both academically and socially.
William Riley – Deputy Head Teacher
Will Riley is vastly experienced within the primary education sector and brings a wealth of experience to Armley Grange School. His understanding of curriculum has allowed the school to flourish in this area and his keen eye on detail will ensure we continue to provide our students with the best and most appropriate education we can.
Jessica Bowstead – Assistant Headteacher for Teaching & Learning
Jess joined the senior leadership team in the autumn term of 2024 and will ensure our T&L offer for students is of the highest quality. After working oversees in an international school, Jess’s responsibilities will cover teaching and learning in the classroom, staff CPD, quality assurance of teaching and Armley Grange School’s literacy and reading offer.
Other Key Staff
Helen Louden – SENDCo
Samantha Hodgson – DSL & Designated Teacher for Looked After Children
Deborah Abson – Clinical Lead